The well-being of your pet is our priority. Our mission is to alleviate pain, foster comfort, stimulate healing, and enhance the overall well-being of every animal in our care.
Surgical Pain Relief Through Anesthesiology
Anesthesia goes beyond blocking pain—it's about ensuring a stress-free and trauma-free experience for your pet during surgery. Tailored to the type of surgery, age, and patient condition, anesthesia provides the utmost care through every stage of the procedure.
Testing for Safe Anesthesia
Your pet’s safety is always our top priority: We evaluate each patient's age, health, and specific needs before administering anesthesia:
- Senior pets (7+ years) receive a complete blood chemistry profile, CBC, and urinalysis for elective procedures such as dental cleaning or mass removal.
- Younger pets are screened for anemia and essential blood chemistries before elective surgeries such as spaying or neutering.
- We perform a screening blood chemistry and anemia check for dental cleanings requiring anesthesia.
Anesthesia Monitoring

A carefully calibrated anesthesia mix is comprised of oxygen and isoflurane or sevoflurane gasses ensures your pet's safety, regardless of species. This approach enables quick induction, minimal anesthesia time, and rapid recovery.
During the procedure, we carefully monitor heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen levels, body temperature, blood pressure, and electrocardiogram. A licensed veterinary technician records this information, allowing our skilled doctors to focus solely on the surgery.
Contact Us
With our blend of advanced techniques and empathetic care, OPVMC ensures your pets get the best pain management tailored to their unique needs. Contact us to schedule an appointment or learn more.